Regulatory Compliance Monitoring

CBC has worked extensively on long- and short-term monitoring projects for both linear and standard construction operations.  Our team has experience monitoring on renewable energy and transmission line projects for sensitive wildlife, vegetation species and natural resources. Throughout several years of experience, our team has worked in many different ecological regions while keeping a flawless safety record.


Sclerocactus brevispinus-Pariette cactus

Impact Assessments and Permitting

Our team has the experience to conduct State or Federally listed threatened and endangered species habitat assessments, single or multi species habitat assessments and prepare all associated biological documents. CBC has completed threatened and endangered species surveys for desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), San Joaquin Kit Fox (​Vulpes macrotis mutica), Blunt-nosed Leopard Lizard (Gambelia sila), Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) as well as several other sensitive species. We have experienced writers that pride themselves on producing highly professional reports in a timely fashion. CBC utilizes a peer reviewing system of quality assurance that ensures that all reports submitted to the client and agencies are concise, accurate and on schedule.

Delineation of the Cimarron River in Beaver County, OK

Lanius ludovicianus-Loggerhead Shrike

Sunrise Powerlink Project-San Diego County, CA

Wetlands and Waters Delineations

CBC has conducted numerous wetlands and waters delineations to the specifications and regulations of the United States Army Corps of Engineers as stated in Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. CBC has experience with both the public and private sector working on pre-construction wetlands and waters surveys for pipelines, oil and gas exploration, bridge replacements and other projects across the U.S.

Storm Water Quality Management

CBC offers storm water quality management consulting to both the private and public sectors on a wide array of projects. Our water quality staff carefully considers techniques to minimize storm water pollution in order to comply with federal, state, and local regulations. CBC currently staffs a Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) to provide a multitude of services.

Avian Surveys

CBC has vast experience conducting avian surveys on all types of projects from wind farms to transmission line projects. Our staff has completed surveys all over the U.S. adhering to the USFWS guidelines. Avian surveys completed by CBC staff include:

  • ​​Breeding Bird Surveys
  • Raptor and Raptor Nest Surveys
  • Prairie Grouse Surveys
  • Fixed Wing Nesting Survey
  • 4-Season Avian Surveys